28 Users

Pressbooks allows multiple people to work together in a shared book project with different authoring, editing, and publishing permissions. Read on to learn about:

Adding Users and Assigning Permissions

You can access the ‘Add New Users’ interface either by selecting Users -> Add New from your book’s admin dashboard or by clicking the Add New button on your book’s Users page.

You can also see a list of users and their roles in the Users widget on your book’s Dashboard page. The Users panel displays the icon, username, and role of each user on the book (except for subscribers). The total number of users, as well as the number of users in each role, will be stated at the bottom of the panel. You can navigate directly to the Add New Users and Organize Users pages from the links in this widget.

Note: Network managers will always see the ‘Add Users’ option for individual books. These option will be also visible to ‘book administrators’ if your network manager has selected the “Allow Book Administrators to Invite New Users as Collaborators” option in ‘Network Options’.

Add Existing User

To add an existing Pressbooks user (i.e. someone who already has an account on your Pressbooks network):

  1. Select the Users tab on the left sidebar menu of your book’s dashboard
  2. Click Add New 
  3. Enter the existing user’s email address or username
  4. Select the role you’d like to give them in your book
  5. Click Add Existing User.
Add existing user form with numbered cues
Add existing user form

Users invited by this method will be sent a confirmation email requiring them to accept the invitation to be added to this book. They will not appear in the book’s user list or be able to access the project until they have confirmed their participation.

Add New User

To add someone as a user to your book who does not already have an account on your Pressbooks network:

  1. Select the Users tab on the left sidebar menu of your book’s dashboard
  2. Click Add New 
  3. Provide a username for this new user
  4. Provide an email address for the new user
  5. Select the role you’d like to give them in your book
  6. Click ‘Add New User.
Add New User form with number cues
Add New User form

A confirmation email will be sent to the new user’s email address. This new user must confirm the creation of their account and accept your invitation before they will appear in your book’s user list and have access to the project.

Note: Some networks only allow users with specific email domains to be added as users on their network. Contact your network manager if you have any questions about allowed or banned email domains for users on your network.

Add Users in Bulk

You can also add multiple users to your book at the same time. The Bulk Add feature allows you to add both new and existing Pressbooks users to your book at the same time.

  1. Select the Users tab on the left sidebar menu of your book’s dashboard
  2. Click Bulk Add 
  3. Enter the emails for each person you intend to invite to the book (place one email address per line with no additional punctuation)
  4. Select the desired Role for these users.
  5. Click “Add users
Add Bulk Users form
Add Bulk Users form

You will receive a notification at the top of the screen that lets you know which users were added, which need to confirm their accounts before they’ll be added, and which users were unable to be added.

Bulk add user notifications and errors

Any new users added via the Bulk Add option will be sent an email asking that they confirm registration of their account. New users will not appear in your book’s user list until they’ve confirmed their account. Existing users will immediately appear in the user list without requiring special confirmation.

Note: All users added at the same time via the Bulk Add method entered will be given the same role. If you want to add many users to your book at once but assign them different roles, you can either perform the Bulk Add operation several times, choosing a new set of users for each desired role, or you can add all users with the minimum desired permission and then bulk change user permissions after they have been added and confirmed as users.

Managing Users and Changing Permissions

Sometimes you may wish to change user permissions or delete users from a book. Follow the steps below to manage users and their permissions within your book.

To access users: 

  1. Select the Users tab on the left sidebar menu of your book’s dashboard
  2. Click All Users to view all users in any role on a given book
All Users screen in Pressbooks
All Users screen in Pressbooks

To change a user’s role:

  1. Select one or more users by clicking the checkbox next to their username(s) (selecting the checkbox next to Username at the top or the bottom of the user list will select all users)
  2. Open the “Change role to…” dropdown menu and select the desired role
  3. Click Change 

The new role for any affected users will be reflected in the Role column.

To remove users from your book:

  1. Select one or more users by clicking the checkbox next to their username(s) (selecting the checkbox next to Username at the top or the bottom of the user list will select all users)
  2. Open the “Bulk Actions” dropdown menu and select “Remove
  3. Click Apply 

This will remove all selected users from the book.

User Roles in Pressbooks

Users can be assigned to one of the following roles within an individual book project: Administrator, Editor, Author, Collaborator, or Subscriber. Each of these user roles provides different levels of access, as described in the table below:

Role Manage Users & Settings Add or Edit Chapters Publish Chapters Delete Chapters Read Private Chapters Comment (if enabled)
Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Editor No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Author No Only their own Only their own Only their own Only if setting is enabled Yes
Collaborator No Only their own No No Only if setting is enabled Yes
Subscriber No No No No Only if setting is enabled Yes

Different user roles also have access to different interfaces while within Pressbooks. The chart below (courtesy of BCcampus’ Lauri Aesoph) summarizes which dashboard links are visible to which types of users:

Dashboard Links by User Type
Dashboard Link Administrator Editor Author Collaborator Subscriber
Organize x
Private/ Public setting (Organize) x x x x
Book Info x x x x
Appearance √ (but no “Themes”) x x x
Export x
Plugins x x x x
Media x x
Users x x x x
Tools x
Settings x x x x
Import x

Only users with the role of Administrator in a book can install H5P content types from a book’s H5P hub. Administrators, Editors, Authors and Collaborators are able to create new H5P activities using installed content types.


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RVCC Pressbooks User Guide Copyright © by Megan Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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