5.8 Decision Making in Practice

It’s nice to think about decision making theories but a manager also needs to be aware of the practical aspects of decision making.

Beth Helps photo

Consider these:

  • Be careful that you don’t abdicate your responsibility.  As the manager you are ultimately responsible for the actions and results of your team.  Manage and lead but don’t give up your responsibility. Make it clear that all decisions will be subject to testing and scrutiny.
  • Don’t empower the group and then take it back.  If you give the group the authority to make a decision, you need to be able to live with the results.  If you take back the decision from the group, the group will have no motivation to engage in the future.  They won’t trust you.
  • Set deadlines.  Give the group SMART objectives.
  • Carefully select the members of the group making the decision.  Consider skills, knowledge, and interpersonal relationships.



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