11.2 Sources of Power
Learning Objectives
- Understand the different sources of a leader’s power.
Not all leaders derive their ability lead from the same source. There are several sources of power.
- Legitimate power is authority given by the organization. The CFO has the ability to make certain decisions. An admiral in the navy has the authority to command their fleet.
- Reward power is the ability to give or withhold rewards. For example, a manager may have the ability to grant a bonus, promotion, or desired job.
- Coercive power is where a manager may be able to force compliance. It may come in the form of a threat. “If you don’t do that, I will transfer you.”
- Referent power is one which comes from identification, loyalty, or charisma. This is a leader you want to follow because of who they are. An example of this would be Martin Luther King.
- Expert power comes from a person’s unique knowledge or skill. Einstein had expert power. An administrator who is the only person that knows how to do certain tasks has expert power.