
7 Muscular System

7.1 Introduction

In this chapter, you will learn about the muscular system, which carries out both voluntary body movements and involuntary contractions of internal organs and structures. Specifically, you will learn about:

  • The different types of muscle tissue — skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle — and their different characteristics and functions.
  • How muscle cells are specialized to contract and cause voluntary and involuntary movements.
  • The ways in which muscle contraction is controlled.
  • The structure and organization of skeletal muscles, including the different types of muscle fibers, and how actin and myosin filaments move across each other — according to the sliding filament theory — to cause muscle contraction.
  • Cardiac muscle tissue in the heart that contracts to pump blood through the body.
  • Smooth muscle tissue that makes up internal organs and structures, such as the digestive system, blood vessels, and uterus.
  • The physical and mental health benefits of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, such as running and weightlifting.
  • Disorders of the muscular system, including musculoskeletal disorders (such as strains and carpal tunnel syndrome) and neuromuscular disorders (such as muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, and Parkinson’s disease).


12.2 Natalia Zabolotnaya
Figure 7.1 Natalia Zabolotnaya, 2012 Olympics.


Does the word muscle make you think of the well-developed muscles of a weightlifter, like the woman in Figure 7.1? Her name is Natalia Zabolotnaya, and she’s a Russian Olympian. The muscles that are used to lift weights are easy to feel and see, but they aren’t the only muscles in the human body. Many muscles are deep within the body, where they form the walls of internal organs and other structures. You can flex your biceps at will, but you can’t control internal muscles like these. It’s a good thing that these internal muscles work without any conscious effort on your part, because movement of these muscles is essential for survival. Muscles are the organs of the muscular system.


The muscular system consists of all the muscles of the body. The largest percentage of muscles in the muscular system consists of skeletal muscles, which are attached to bones and enable voluntary body movements. There are almost 650 skeletal muscles in the human body, many of them shown in Figure 7.2. Besides skeletal muscles, the muscular system also includes cardiac muscle, which makes up the walls of the heart, and smooth muscle, which control movement in other internal organs and structures.

11.2.2 Muscular System
Figure 7.2 Many of the skeletal muscles in the human muscular system are shown in this drawing of the human body.

Muscle Structure and Function

Muscles are organs composed mainly of muscle cells, which are also called muscle fibers (mainly in skeletal and cardiac muscle) or myocytes (mainly in smooth muscle). Muscle cells are long, thin cells that are specialized for the function of contracting. They contain protein filaments that slide over one another using energy in ATP.  The sliding filaments increase the tension in — or shorten the length of — muscle cells, causing a contraction. Muscle contractions are responsible for virtually all the movements of the body, both inside and out.

Skeletal muscles are attached to bones of the skeleton. When these muscles contract, they move the body. They allow us to use our limbs in a variety of ways, from walking to turning cartwheels. Skeletal muscles also maintain posture and help us to keep balance.

Smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels contract to cause vasoconstriction, which may help conserve body heat. Relaxation of these muscles causes vasodilation, which may help the body lose heat. In the organs of the digestive system, smooth muscles squeeze food through the gastrointestinal tract by contracting in sequence to form a wave of muscle contractions called peristalsis. Think of squirting toothpaste through a tube by applying pressure in sequence from the bottom of the tube to the top, and you have a good idea of how food is moved by muscles through the digestive system. Peristalsis of smooth muscles also moves urine through the urinary tract.

Cardiac muscle tissue is found only in the walls of the heart. When cardiac muscle contracts, it makes the heartbeat. The pumping action of the beating heart keeps blood flowing through the cardiovascular system.


Muscles cannot contract on their own. Skeletal muscles need stimulation from motor neurons in order to contract. The point where a motor neuron attaches to a muscle is called a neuromuscular junction. Let’s say you decide to raise your hand in class. Your brain sends electrical messages through motor neurons to your arm and shoulder. The motor neurons, in turn, stimulate muscle fibres in your arm and shoulder to contract, causing your arm to rise.

Involuntary contractions of smooth and cardiac muscles are also controlled by electrical impulses, but in the case of these muscles, the impulses come from the autonomic nervous system (smooth muscle) or specialized cells in the heart (cardiac muscle). Hormones and some other factors also influence involuntary contractions of cardiac and smooth muscles. For example, the fight-or-flight hormone adrenaline increases the rate at which cardiac muscle contracts, thereby speeding up the heartbeat.

Muscles cannot move the body on their own. They need the skeletal system to act upon. The two systems together are often referred to as the musculoskeletal system. Skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton by tough connective tissues called tendons. Many skeletal muscles are attached to the ends of bones that meet at a joint. The muscles span the joint and connect the bones. When the muscles contract, they pull on the bones, causing them to move. The skeletal system provides a system of levers that allow body movement. The muscular system provides the force that moves the levers.


  1.  What are the three types of muscle found in the body?
  2. Muscle cells are also known as _____________________.
  3. The point where a motor neuron attaches to a skeletal muscle is known as a ——————————–.



Muscle tissue is a soft tissue that makes up most of the tissues in the muscles of the human muscular system.  It has the unique ability to contract.  Other tissues in muscles are connective tissues, such as tendons that attach skeletal muscles to bones and sheaths of connective tissues that cover or line muscle tissues. Only muscle tissue per se, has cells with the ability to contract.

There are three major types of muscle tissues in the human body: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissues. Figure 7.3 shows how the three types of muscle tissues appear under magnification.   Below is a review of the three different tissue types.


Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles, meaning that you exercise conscious control over them.  Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons, a type of connective tissue. When these muscles shorten to pull on the bones to which they are attached, they enable the body to move. When you are exercising, reading a book, or making dinner, you are using skeletal muscles to move your body to carry out these tasks.

Under the microscope, skeletal muscles are striated (or striped) in appearance, because of their internal structure which contains alternating protein fibers of actin and myosin.  Skeletal muscle is described as multinucleated, meaning one “cell” has many nuclei.  This is because in utero, individual cells destined to become skeletal muscle fused, forming muscle fibers in a process known as myogenesis.


Smooth muscles are nonstriated muscles- they still contain the muscle fibers actin and myosin, but not in the same alternating arrangement seen in skeletal muscle.   Smooth muscle is found in the tubes of the body – in the walls of blood vessels and in the reproductive, gastrointestinal, and respiratory tracts. Smooth muscles are not under voluntary control meaning that they operate unconsciously, via the autonomic nervous system.  Smooth muscles move substances through a wave of contraction.


Cardiac muscles work involuntarily, meaning they are regulated by the autonomic nervous system.  This is probably a good thing, since you wouldn’t want to have to consciously concentrate on keeping your heart beating all the time! Cardiac muscle, which is found only in the heart, is mononucleated and striated (due to alternating bands of myosin and actin). Their contractions cause the heart to pump blood. In order to make sure entire sections of the heart contract in unison, cardiac muscle tissue contains special cell junctions called intercalated discs, which conduct the electrical signals used to “tell” the chambers of the heart when to contract.

12.3 Muscle types

Figure 7.3 These magnified images show (a) skeletal muscle tissue, (b) smooth muscle tissue, and (c) cardiac muscle tissue.


  1. Where is smooth muscle found? What controls the contraction of smooth muscle?
  2. Where is cardiac muscle found? What controls its contractions?
  3. Where is skeletal muscle found, and what is its general function?


Skeletal muscle is muscle tissue that is attached to bones by tendons, which are bundles of collagen fibers. Whether you are moving your eyes or running a marathon, you are using skeletal muscles. Contractions of skeletal muscles are voluntary, or under conscious control of the central nervous system. Skeletal muscle tissue is the most common type of muscle tissue in the human body. By weight, an average adult male is about 42% skeletal muscles, and the average adult female is about 36% skeletal muscles. Some of the major skeletal muscles in the human body are labeled in Figure 7.4 below.


Figure 7.4Major skeletal muscles of the body. View this image full size here: http://humanbiology.pressbooks.tru.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2019/06/Anterior_and_Posterior_Views_of_Muscles-scaled.jpg


To move bones in opposite directions, skeletal muscles often consist of muscle pairs that work in opposition to one another, also called antagonistic muscle pairs.  For example, when the biceps muscle (on the front of the upper arm) contracts, it can cause the elbow joint to flex or bend the arm, as shown in Figure 7.5. When the triceps muscle (on the back of the upper arm) contracts, it can cause the elbow to extend or straighten the arm. The biceps and triceps muscles, also shown in Figure 7.5, are an example of a muscle pair where the muscles work in opposition to each other. Muscle groups that work together for movement are known as synergistic muscles.  An example of synergistic muscles are the rectus abdominis and the external obliques.  Contraction of both allow you to bend your backbone.

12.3 Antagonistic Muscle Pair

Figure 7.5 Triceps and biceps muscles in the upper arm are opposing muscles that move the arm at the elbow in opposite directions.


Each skeletal muscle consists of hundreds — or even thousands — of skeletal muscle fibers, which are long, string-like cells. As shown in Figure 7.6below, skeletal muscle fibers are individually wrapped in connective tissue called endomysium. The skeletal muscle fibers are bundled together in units called muscle fascicles, which are surrounded by sheaths of connective tissue called perimysium. Each fascicle contains between ten and 100 (or even more!) skeletal muscle fibers. Fascicles, in turn, are bundled together to form individual skeletal muscles, which are wrapped in connective tissue called epimysium. The connective tissues in skeletal muscles have a variety of functions. They support and protect muscle fibers, allowing them to withstand the forces of contraction by distributing the forces applied to the muscle. They also provide pathways for nerves and blood vessels to reach the muscles. In addition, the epimysium anchors the muscles to tendons.

11.3.5 Muscle Fibers Structure

Figure 7.6 Each skeletal muscle has a structure of bundles within bundles. Bundles of muscle fibers make up a muscle fascicle, and bundles of fascicles make up a skeletal muscle. At each level of bundling, a connective tissue membrane surrounds the bundle.

The same bundles-within-bundles structure is replicated within each muscle fiber. As shown in Figure 7.7, a muscle fiber consists of a bundle of myofibrils, which are themselves bundles of protein filaments. These protein filaments consist of thin filaments of the protein actin, which are anchored to structures called Z discs, and thick filaments of the protein myosin. The filaments are arranged together within a myofibril in repeating units called sarcomeres., which run from one Z disc to the next. The sarcomere is the basic functional unit of skeletal and cardiac muscles. It contracts as actin and myosin filaments slide over one another. Skeletal muscle tissue is said to be striated, because it appears striped. It has this appearance because of the regular, alternating A (dark) and I (light) bands of filaments arranged in sarcomeres inside the muscle fibers. Other components of a skeletal muscle fiber include multiple nuclei and mitochondria.

11.3 Sarcomere

Figure 7.7 Bundles of protein filaments form a myofibril, and bundles of myofibrils make up a single muscle fiber. I and A bands refer to the positioning of myosin and actin fibers in a myofibril. Sarcoplasmic reticulum is a specialized type of endoplasmic reticulum that forms a network around each myofibril. It serves as a reservoir for calcium ions, which are needed for muscle contractions. H zones and Z discs are also involved in muscle contractions, which you can read about in the concept Muscle Contraction.


muscle contraction is an increase in the tension or a decrease in the length of a muscle. Muscle tension is the force exerted by the muscle on a bone or other object. A muscle contraction is isometric if muscle tension changes, but muscle length remains the same. An example of isometric muscle contraction is holding a book in the same position. A muscle contraction is isotonic if muscle length changes, but muscle tension remains the same. An example of isotonic muscle contraction is raising a book by bending the arm at the elbow. The termination of a muscle contraction of either type occurs when the muscle relaxes and returns to its non-contracted tension or length.

It’s obvious that a sport like arm wrestling depends on muscle contractions. Arm wrestlers must contract muscles in their hands and arms and keep them contracted in order to resist the opposing force exerted by their opponent. The wrestler whose muscles can contract with greater force wins the match. To use our arm-wrestling example, if both arm wrestlers have equal strength and they are pulling with all their might, but there is no movement, that is isometric muscle contraction.  However, as soon as one arm wrestler starts to win and is able to start pulling the opponents arm down, that is isotonic muscle contraction.


Excluding reflexes, all skeletal muscle contractions occur as a result of conscious effort originating in the brain. The brain sends electrochemical signals through the somatic nervous system to motor neurons that innervate muscle fibers. A single motor neuron with multiple axon terminals can innervate multiple muscle fibers, thereby causing them to contract at the same time. The connection between a motor neuron axon terminal and a muscle fiber occurs at a neuromuscular junction site. This is a chemical synapse where a motor neuron transmits a signal to muscle fiber to initiate a muscle contraction.

The process by which a signal is transmitted at a neuromuscular junction is illustrated in Figure 7.8. The sequence of events begins when an action potential is initiated in the cell body of a motor neuron, and the action potential is propagated along the neuron’s axon to the neuromuscular junction. Once the action potential reaches the end of the axon terminal, it causes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) from synaptic vesicles in the axon terminal. The ACh molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to the muscle fiber receptors, thereby initiating a muscle contraction. Muscle contraction is initiated with the depolarization of the sarcolemma caused by the sodium ions’ entrance through the sodium channels associated with the ACh receptors.


mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction

Figure 7.7: This diagram represents the sequence of events that occurs when a motor neuron stimulates a muscle fiber to contract.The action potential travels down the t-tubules and excites the sarcoplasmic reticulum which releases calcium. Calcium when bound to troponin causes conformational changes in the sarcomere. Consequently, the interaction of thick and thin filaments of the sarcomere leads to muscle contraction.

Things happen very quickly in the world of excitable membranes (think about how quickly you can snap your fingers as soon as you decide to do it). Immediately following depolarization of the membrane, it repolarizes, andre-establishes the negative membrane potential. Meanwhile, the ACh in the synaptic cleft is degraded by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The ACh cannot rebind to a receptor and reopen its channel, which would cause unwanted extended muscle excitation and contraction.

Propagation of an action potential along the sarcolemma enters the T-tubules. For the action potential to reach the membrane of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR), there are periodic invaginations in the sarcolemma, called T-tubules (“T” stands for “transverse”). The arrangement of a T-tubule with the membranes of SR on either side is called a triad (Figure 7.8). The triad surrounds the cylindrical structure called a myofibril, which contains actin and myosin. The T-tubules carry the action potential into the interior of the cell, which triggers the opening of calcium channels in the membrane of the adjacent SR, causing to calcium diffuse out of the SR and into the sarcoplasm. It is the arrival of calcium in the sarcoplasm that initiates. contraction of the muscle fiber by its contractile units, or sarcomeres.

Skeletal Muscle fiber with T-tubules

Figure 7.8: Narrow T-tubules permit the conduction of electrical impulses. The SR functions to regulate intracellular levels of calcium. Two terminal cisternae (where enlarged SR connects to the T-tubule) and one T-tubule comprise a triad—a “threesome” of membranes, with those of SR on two sides and the T-tubule sandwiched between them.

Excitation-contraction coupling


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