Human Biology:  An Introduction to the Human Body

Why Human Biology?

This textbook is an open educational resource that serves as an introduction to Human Biology, offering insights into the human organism and its connection to health. It provides a comprehensive overview of anatomy and physiology, helping you understand how our bodies function and how we can maintain health while addressing diseases and injuries. Our aim is to spark your interest in both your personal health and the well-being of those around you, while also considering the broader implications for society and humanity.

As you explore this book, consider what you want to discover about your own body. What questions or concerns do you have? How does your body function? The textbook starts with an introduction to the sciences and the scientific method, then progresses through the human body from biological molecules and cells to tissues, organs, and most of the eleven organ systems, with a particular focus on health. Each chapter includes case studies, videos on select topics, and links to additional resources to enhance your learning experience.

Why Open Educational Resource (OER)?

We have eliminated the cost barriers to ease the financial strain of purchasing textbooks for students. This change helps students focus more on the course material without the added stress and emotional strain related to textbook expenses. Our goal in developing this book is to reach a broader audience, including both students and educators, as well as anyone interested in utilizing the information for educational purposes.





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Human Biology Copyright © by Viveca Sulich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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