Tips for Using this Book
This interactive textbook is designed to be read online to take full advantage of embedded media and activities and hyperlinked glossary terms.
Downloadable PDF and EPUB versions are available but certain embedded elements will not function in these formats.
Digital PDF / EPUB:
- hyperlinks are active, enabling navigation within the text (for example, tables of contents) and to external websites
- activites and “Check your Understanding” questions are replaced with the text, “An interactive H5P element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here,” followed by an active hyperlink that resolves to the activity within the interactive e-text
- embedded videos and media are replaced with the text, “One or more interactive elements has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view them online here,” followed by an active hyperlink that resolves to the video or media within the interactive e-text
- glossary terms appear in bold text; a full alphabetic glossary is at the end of the PDF
Print PDF:
- there are no active hyperlinks in the Print PDF format
- activities and embedded media are replaced by the text, “An element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here,” followed by the url of the page in the interactive e-text that contains the element
- glossary terms appear in bold text; a full alphabetic glossary is at the end of the PDF